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Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group is a medical group practice ?

We offer same-day or next-day primary care appointments and after-hours pediatric appointments. After-hours pediatrics. Sharp Rees-Stealy patients: Schedule online or walk-ins are always welcome. Find a Sharp Rees-Stealy doctor Choose the provider who's right for you at Sharp Rees-Stealy La Mesa and schedule your first appointment. Location and phone. craftsman weed eater 25cc How do I schedule a lab appointment at Sharp Rees-Stealy? To make an appointment at a Sharp Rees-Stealy lab, you can either schedule online or call us at 619-446-1543. Ellen Pastrano is a Sharp-affiliated family medicine provider in San Diego. Sharp Rees-Stealy Downtown. San Diego, CA 92131-3940 858-499-2701 Location and phone. push up emote ff14 We offer after-hours pediatric care daily until 8 pm for those times when your child needs to see the doctor outside of regular office hours. Sharp Rees-Stealy Medical Group. 858-499-2701 Fax: 858-616-8175. Call customer service Call 1-800-767-4277 to speak to a registered nurse, Monday through Friday, 5 pm to 8 am, and 24 hours a day on weekends and holidays. Buried by news of the US federa. iv infusion nurse salary Sharp Rees-Stealy Frost Street North Suite 268. ….

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